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Showing posts from June, 2017

Reconnect with the Ancient Oil Frankincense...

Have a beautiful weekend!

Living History, Primal Living, and DIY

One of my latest sewing projects. A 'hussef' was a sewing kit that both men and women carried with them ("never leave home without it!"). They are often made of cloth and shaped like a sort of wallet. While I have a couple hussefs among my own sewing supplies, I am currently making one that will double as a wallet (so that I'm not taking out a 21st century wallet at these  # livinghistory  events!). I will show the finished product once it is complete. :) This passed Sunday at the museum, I ("Sadie Miller") and 'Kate Ferguson Greiner' cook a braised venison on the hearth inside the cabin. The process of cooking on the hearth is also discussed. And the Sunday prior, I made a spice cake, which turned out quite well. :)